Assisting Patrons on Public Computers Using Remote Desktop

Public Computer Manager – Assist Patron on PC 

  1. On the staff pc, open Public Computer Manager 

  1. Select your branch from the drop down and click select branch 

  1. Select the computer name that you want to assist from the list 

  1. Click Assist Patron on PC 


  1. On the customer PC, the customer will click Yes to accept assistance 


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  1. On the staff pc, the staff member will click Request control 


  1. On the customer pc, the customer will click Yes to allow staff member to share control of the computer 


  1. To open a chat window with the customer click chat 


  1. To close the session and end the help session either the customer or the staff member can click the stop sharing button on either the staff or the patron pc. 

Creation date: 12/2/2020 2:24 PM      Updated: 12/2/2020 2:24 PM
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